KFTD and the Implementation of Anti-Bribery System (SMAP)

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) believes in and supports the importance of GGC practices in creating a clean, solid, and trusted company. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent any bribery issues or other  potential violations . 

Gaining the ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) certificate is a prominent step in the company’s anti-bribery commitment. What comes next? KFTD has made some efforts or policies for further implementation. 

What is SMAP in KFTD?

It comprises organizational structures, activity planning, responsibility, procedure implementation, processes, and resources used to develop and execute Anti-Bribery Policies in PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution.

What Anti-Bribery Policies to Implement?

KFTD upholds SMAP through the following policies.

  • Complying with any applicable anti-bribery laws and regulations put in force
  • A Zero Tolerance attitude towards all forms of bribery by involving all employees and stakeholders
  • Ensuring that each work unit and section conducts bribery risk assessment and control
  • Setting objectives for SMAP, namely, it must be
    • consistent with anti-bribery policies
    • measurable 
    • taking into account factors, requirements, and risks of any identified bribery
    • achievable
    • monitored
    • communicated (to internal and external stakeholders)
    • updated where appropriate
    • under predetermined deadlines or frequency, evaluating goals, and establishing methods when planning goals 
  • Making sure that the company’s anti-bribery strategy and policies are running well
  • Assuring resource availability for SMAP deployment  
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of SMAP implementation periodically in the context of continuous improvement
  • Communicating anti-bribery policies to stakeholders
  • Providing a whistleblowing system (including any indications of bribery, such as trading in influence, abuse of function, bribery in the private sector, obstructing justice)
  • Establishing sanctions (punishment) for KFTD violations and rewards (rewards) for employee participation in SMAP implementation
  • Establishing the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function (FKAP) and its duties, responsibilities, and authorities in SMAP implementation.

Bribery precautionary efforts, in the form of Anti-Bribery Policies through SMAP enactment, is the direction and commitment of the company’s management to achieve a clean organization from bribery and other KFTD violation  indications.